Computational Engineering (CE@TUDa)

Computational Engineering (CE) is an integral part of the research profile of TU Darmstadt. CE is a modern and multidisciplinary science for computer based modeling, simulation, analysis, and optimisation of complex engineering applications and natural phenomena. CE@TUDa, as profile topic CE, concentrates all activities in CE at TU Darmstadt. It is organised orthogonally and in addition to existing departments covering the relevant topical disciplines in science and engineering.

By defining relevant research areas the CE@TUDa coordinates all research activities in Computational Engineering at TU Darmstadt. These areas are evaluated and enhanced regularly. CE@TUDa offers a stable platform for multidisciplinary cooperation of its members and associated investigators, which initiates joint research projects directly, also on a large scale. Broadness and relevance of CE is well documented by many research projects at TU Darmstadt where CE is involved.

Another success factor of CE at TU Darmstadt is the close link between research and teaching – TU Darmstadt was the first university in Germany offering a complete academic education in CE. In addition to consecutive bachelor and master study programmes hosted at the Study Centre CE, the Graduate School CE complements education for doctoral researchers.

About Computational Engineering

What is meant by CE?

Computational Engineering is now regarded as an equal and indispensable partner, along with theory and experiment, in the advance of scientific knowledge and engineering practice. Numerical simulation enables the study of complex engineering systems and natural phenomena that would be too expensive or dangerous, or even impossible, to study by direct experimentation. Computational Engineering describes this rapidly growing multidisciplinary area with connections to engineering sciences, applied mathematics and computer science. Computational Engineering will play an important if not dominating role in the future of the scientific discovery process and engineering design. CE enables the development and operation of more complex engineering products and systems with properties such as reduced energy consumption or greater safety, requiring less time and efforts for product development. Therefore, CE develops a substantial impact on the industrial competitiveness and social development of countries, regions and cities.


The mission of the Computational Engineering initiative in research and education at the Technische Universität Darmstadt is

  • to educate a new generation of young scientists and engineers as the potential future leaders in the field of Computational Engineering,
  • to meet and master the challenges of ever higher levels of detail and complexity in upcoming and future modelling and simulation problems in the engineering sciences through strong, multi-disciplinary and cooperative research efforts,
  • to stimulate new interdepartmental research projects in Computational Engineering ranging from basic to applied research,
  • to serve the research needs of national and international companies and industries through consulting and applied research projects.


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